It’s official. After hearing so many of your stories, I can confirm that there are countless ways to use the power-alley attributes concept.
Would a quick refresher on 5 of them make you a better leader? A better worker? Even a better parent, spouse, or friend? Then I think you’ll like listening to the conversation I’m sharing below.
I can hardly believe that it’s been 2 years since the original publication of Why Make Eagles Swim? Embracing Natural Strengths in Leadership and Life.
When Libby (co-author) told me that the publication anniversary was coming up this month, she asked me to send her some notes on how I’ve been seeing the book change lives over these past 2 years. I e-mailed her a list of 5, because she likes lists of 5, but I could have gone on and on.
Even so, typical of me, the list was short and pithy enough to leave her wondering what some of my notes meant. So she called me. But just before we started into the list, she stopped.
“Hang on, I want to record this,” she said. Since Libby helps me with my blog, conversations like this tend to provide us with lots of ideas for future posts. We thought we could pull notes from the recording later on.
But by the end, we both wondered if the conversation itself might be interesting for you all to listen to. After all, I regularly get feedback requesting more content via audio. So here you go. There’s nothing professional about the recording – you’re simply listening in on our phone call – but it works!
From this conversation, I think you’ll collect some great ideas for how you can translate the concept of attributes into powerful tools for leadership, team-building, and growth. Have a listen:
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