While the importance of patience in leadership is evident to many who manage people, it’s a topic that doesn’t get as much attention as others. Today, we’re changing that by digging into why and how leaders should allow certain challenges to “ripen” before tackling them. It’s a relatively easy approach to implement, but this specific…
Envision It Solved: Why Skip “How” in Your Problem Solving Approach
A smart problem solving approach might prove as practical and essential a leadership tool as any you can think of. Because one way or another, problems will arise in your business. In this post, we’ll look at: The value of a well thought-out problem solving approach A typical (and problematic) problem process A vision-driven approach…
Thinking Projects: A Tip for Keeping Teams Engaged & Productive during Downtime [VIDEO]
Paid downtime is a fact of work life that can leave business owners and company leaders feeling frustrated, conflicted, guilty, or all of the above. By “downtime,” I’m referring to those necessary interludes when employees must, in effect, get paid to work at less than their expected and normal level of output—sometimes far less. For…
Leadership in Difficult Times: 7 Positive Forces Released in Adversity
Leadership in difficult times is as challenging as it is important. Essential, in fact. Many of my clients seem to agree. As the excellent leaders of either today or tomorrow, they’re focused not only on helping their teams navigate our current climate of uncertainty, but also on upholding morale, maintaining culture, encouraging productivity, and so…
How One Company Messed Up Beautifully
Have we forgotten how to apologize? Worse, have we lost track of the incredible power of apology? Not just how to do it well, but why to do it at all? “It was my mistake. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” It’s important to get these phrases written down now, before they become obsolete. Let me tell you…
Leadership Retrospective: Your Top Questions of the Year
Leadership questions are on your mind!
Among all the topics my clients, students, readers, and others have brought up in the past year (believe me, there’s exciting variety!), leadership questions continue to garner the most attention.