Let’s face it: resolutions have become somewhat of a world-wide joke. It’s estimated that we break 50% of these commitments by February and 92% by year’s end. Still, there’s an appealing air of possibility about new beginnings. So time and again, we ignore the 8% success rate and ring in the year by selecting yet
Accountability Partnering 201: 4 Tips for Choosing Your Partner
Recently, I wrote a post outlining the concept of accountability partnering—a powerful tool for achieving your personal goals. In that post, I made some suggestions for accountability success, but none of those tips will get you far without the right partner. In choosing the best person for helping you achieve each goal, consider these 4

Shopping for Engagement: Cyber Monday’s Management Lessons
For decades, Black Friday has been a hot media topic every November. The biggest shopping day of the year has evolved into a weekend of jaw-dropping sales, shoppers camped out in sleeping bags, and crowds shoving their way to deeply discounted wares. I won’t even go there. But what about Cyber Monday, Black Friday’s younger
Accountability Partnering 101: Support for Achieving Your Own Goals
When you tell your boss your job goals, she’s going to check back and see how you’re doing. If you commit to an exercise plan with your personal trainer, he’ll ask how you did last week. We even let children hold us responsible: “Daddy, you promised we could go to the zoo today!” This is
When I Used to Be a Guy
As a leadership coach, the conversations I have with professionals aren’t often strictly work related, because the lines between our personal and professional lives aren’t always as bold as we might choose to believe. After all, leadership, like life, comes down to understanding ourselves and others. So it seems appropriate that a leadership blog should
Time Management 101: Time Isn’t Money
Let me guess. You’re busy. There aren’t enough hours in the day for you to do what you need to do. Your to-do list is out of control. E-mail is burying you and wasting your time—you’ve got hundreds, maybe thousands, in your inbox. Your office is a mess of piles. Any of this sound familiar?