By Michael Aitken Division Vice President, Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits Client of Bill Munn Management Coaching Hell hath no fury like a high Commander attribute scorned! Perhaps I didn’t get that quote quite right, but the principle is crystal clear in my mind. Strong power attributes in others can be the most intimidating, but

No You Don’t: Getting Honest about Behavior Change
“I want to start exercising.” “I want to get more organized.” “I want to quit smoking.” “I want to train myself to get to work earlier in the morning.” “I want to learn to be more patient.” We’ve all heard people say things like this—or we’ve said them ourselves. But guess what? These are usually

Back to School: A Lesson in Easy vs. Good
No matter how old I get, colorful trees still get me thinking of back to school. Of summer’s lazy days coming to an end, replaced by the drudgery of classroom life. With September, we say goodbye to the spontaneous, unscheduled days of summer, replacing freedom with strict school bells that order us from one activity

Simple & Real: Memorable Messages from a Harlem Mom
[gigya src=”” flashvars=”vurl=SCh37R1I3NQ&start=167.58&end=220.72&cid=1448991″ allowfullscreen=”true” width=”425″ height=”344″ ] The other day, I came across this interview with Jackie Rowe-Adams, a Harlem mom who supports New York City’s controversial stop-and-frisk program. Her approach struck me as a great example of 2 keys to high-impact communication: Make it simple Make it real Her point is powerful because

Impact in Leadership: Try Less, Watch for More
“The one who knows much says little.” – Proverbs 17:27 I was watching my grandson play a video game the other day, and I noticed that periodically, in anticipation of whatever trouble his player is about to confront, he will pause the game and select a new batch of appropriate weapons. Good leaders function in

The 6-Year-Old in the Room
When I work with clients as they analyze whether a candidate is a good fit for a position, I hear one comment more than any other: “I’d like someone with industry experience.” “Why?” I ask “Isn’t it obvious?” my client replies, surprised by my question. Nope. Not in my book. The reasoning for this experience