If you aren’t already a relatively good listener, this post is not for you. You’ll be better off starting with the basics and coming back to this once you’re truly good at active listening and effective listening—hearing, checking for understanding, and caring about what the speaker says. But if this list of good-listener traits describes
A Single, Positive Change for the New Year
The other day, someone asked if I’d be interested in sharing some advice on New Year’s resolutions. I jumped right in with 1 simple tip and 1 suggested resolution—both of which apply to changes you make at this or any other time of the year. Tip: Pick 1 Behavior change is hard enough, so don’t
We Know More than We Do
Those familiar with my book, Lead or Be Led, know that I finish almost every chapter with what I call an implementation tool—a specific, actionable step that gives you an immediate way to put new concepts into practice in your every day life. After spending the past 4 decades coaching and managing people (including myself!),

A Great Help to Thankfulness
This time of year, it’s especially appropriate to remember Charles Dickens‘s observation that “Not knowing where one’s next meal is coming from ’tis a great help to thankfulness.” Most leaders don’t fret about their next meal, but we sure can squander our time worrying about a jillion other things. Well, I suggest you let yourself

Is a Passive Leader an Oxymoron?
For those who want to lead, passivity is deadly. If you consider yourself a leader, here are 2 phrases (and attitudes) you’ll want to drive out immediately: As soon as and If only. “As soon as (the economy is better/the government gets their act together/I get that promotion/etc.) I will…” “If only (the customer’s advertising
Strengths and Weaknesses: Teaching Squirrels to Fly, aka Ways to Waste Time & Talent
Have you ever stopped to consider your strengths and weaknesses? If you answered “yes,” how far have you gone? Far enough to really understand what you’re wired for? Far enough to identify how the people around you are wired – your team members, family members, customers, you name it? Far enough to go back to 7th